Early Birds Playhouse was created by a dedicated team of parents with the mission of teaching children to care for themselves, for their environment, and to develop a love of learning that will last a lifetime!
Our core principle is that children thrive when presented with the opportunity to learn through hands-on experiences in a structured environment.
We do so by building our team with seasoned educators who will enable your children to discover themselves, the world around them and to develop their individual passions.
Hello! My name is Bobbi. My husband Robert and our kids can't wait to meet you!
When we decided to start a family, I devoured every book I could find on early childhood education. While learning what to look for, I found a new love for watching my children develop new skills from day one.
My passion for education has guided my past, informs the present and will help chart the future for our community at the center. I believe that all children deserve a safe environment to explore their curiosity and passions. That is what Early Birds Playhouse is all about.
During our free time, you may find my family hiking in the mountains, playing near a river or exploring our beautiful state on our bikes. We love all outdoor activities!
We look forward to getting to know you, sharing in each other's adventures and to helping your kids grow into the amazing humans they are meant to be.